Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Started

Hello and welcome to Back to Homemade!

Its interesting how being raised in a home where most of what we ate was homegrown/made has influenced my decisions for my own family. My parents always had a vegetable garden, what wasn't eaten in the summer was either canned or frozen for the winter. Mom always made strawberry jam in June and blueberry in August. Meat came from the local small town shop and was always fresh or was from wild game that dad brought home during the appropriate hunting season. Store bought cookies - what were those? Ours were homemade!

Then I grew up, started out on my own, after a few adventures I found myself married and two kids later, I had developed a routine of short cuts and thought, "well it can't be all bad coming out of a box..." And honestly, there is nothing wrong with this approach. My family has been well fed and happy.

I have had several friends tell me about their changes to their families diets, several of them had gardens in their own suburban backyards, started going to local farms for meat, joining coops for local produce, eggs and honey. It wasn't until the recent news about the "pink slime" in hamburger which led me to research more about the food my family was eating and I had my own personal ah-ha moment and decided it is time for a change.

Starting a few weeks ago I decided my family is going to eat less processed food and more homemade. More like the food I grew up - and it was good food (thanks mom!). I love to cook and want to share my experiences. It should be interesting and hopefully delicious.